About PTT

If you're here there are 2 possibilities, frist and most likely, you've made a missclick on any link and that's ok mistakes happens, but if you really want to click this link, you need pysocological help, the tings you will see here are very wierd and must be taken into account.

And you're still reading this, psychopath, but since you've already read until here, let me say somethings about who PTT is.
First of all PTT isn't a reference to PT or PowerPoint, is an abreviation of the word Potato that is my old username, I use this name to make stupid projects and don't get my real image associate to it, very smart move isn't it?
I'm not good at anything (as you can see from this very good site) but I always like to try new things that I've found funny, programming a game, making art with suspicious quality, videos with bad quality and actually developing a site, this one that you're in.
I like watch anime, not the wierd ones I swear, and reading manga/manwa (some are a little horny tbh) I prefer reading then watching because I read way faster than the characters talk so it's more story in the same period of time.
Play a lot of games too usually base management like RimWorld and Surviving Mars that are my favorites, I play Minecraft too like everyone should!, League of Legends and Valorant classic for pc players, but like said before i'm terrible playing and always blame the team for my mistakes, like every non-toxic player, right?
That's it I can't think of one more thing interesting about me, below here you will see some of my projects, not everything because I'm lazy, and my social medias.
I hope you find any of this thing funny and if made you laugh for a second I will be happy :)


My 13th Reason

How to contact Celso Russomano

Drip Coquinha

Place holder

Place holder

My Favorite Songs

You can click to listen

My Socials

broken lol
broken lol
broken lol